The sandbox by edward albee sparknotes
The sandbox by edward albee sparknotes

the sandbox by edward albee sparknotes

Within the illogical sequence of mood and statement of her character, Mommy may be seen as grasping for control-or at least much more than what she has already achieved in life. Of the many factors that influenced Mommy, the fear of death exerts the strongest influence, as shown by her obvious hurry to lead Grandma, her mother, to the inevitable circumstance.Mommy, more than middle-aged at fifty-five, clearly embodies the stereotype female who possibly has much regret over the part of her life that had passed, and the remainder that she needs to face. However, further inquiry into the representations of each action and line reveals the purpose of each character in "The Sandbox", the character Mommy is perhaps the most 'absurd', in the sense that her established actions and goals belie the real reason for such.

the sandbox by edward albee sparknotes

The objective of this form of drama is to debunk all traditions and convention, rendering humanity senseless and useless-or absurd, in this case.The characters in "The Sandbox", typical of absurd theatre, are usually portrayed as existing-as opposed to living-in a meaningless environment this correlates to the incomprehensible thought and action assigned to them.

The sandbox by edward albee sparknotes